Guiding with Lars Munk!

The fishing has been pretty bad these last days except for grayling. That gives me a lot of time to work along the river and things are starting to look good and be finished. During the week i have been transporting more firewood, put up a few more signs and also cleaning up from garbage on the west side from Onka. When i am working along the river i can see salmon jumping every day in the streams except when i am fishing. That is a little bit strange but it is like that all the time. I have been out fishing for grayling and caught some fish up to 40 cm. I manage to catch a trout aswell on around 1 kg.

Yesterday i was out with Lars Munk on a guided fishingtrip with four finnish guests. I learn´t really much and had a wunderful time, just as our guests. We didn´t catch any salmon this day but we saw them in the river and the guests now have a lot of good places to fish and spend there ten days here in Kangos.

/ Erik Axner

Grayling and hatching mayflies!

The last days has been pretty warm and now the fish is starting to get really active with eating on the surface. I have been fishing i Onka , not for salmon but for grayling. The fishing has been good and some nice fish has been caught. The biggest one was on 45 cm. The fish was feeding on mayflies such as "Rocken" but also was they feeding on some small black mayflies. I also spotted salmon working there way up against the stream and one of them striked at my mayflies but i missed to hook it. It was probably the best because with my # 5 rod and 50 m of backing i would not have a chance against a big salmon in the hard stream.

Along the river there is signs now on both sides, on zon 2 and zon 3. We are working on fixing the rest of the signs but we are missing material for the at the moment. Remember to book your fishing license on the website ( ) to be sure to get your license. You can also buy your fishing license on Ica Kangos but the fishing might be booked for that day.

// Erik Axner

The first salmon!

I have got some information that the first salmon has been caught in Onka. There was some guests from Italy that caught a 90 cm salmon yesterday in zon 2, Onka. I have been fishing for grayling during the weekend and have caught some fish. There has been a good average size between 35 and 40 cm. The flies that have been working is "E-12" and " Royal Wulff". The fish has been pretty hard to catch and was not so active with feeding in the surface but if we just get some sun, warm weather and hatching mayflies that behavior will disappear.

// Erik Axner

Bad roads!

After a few days of heavy raining has it finally stopped. Some roads along the river are now in very bad condition so be careful when you are driving and park your car where there is space. The road to Onka on the east side will be prepared as soon as possible. Now the parkinglot is about 300 m on the road, not 800 m like the sign says.

I have also transported some firewood to Onka and Repolantoo so now there is a lot of it there! I have also cleaned the area from garbage and it was not a funny look. Please leave the place as it was when you got there och take your garbage with you when you leave. It looks so terrible when there is garbage and junk all over the place!

The waterlevel is starting to get higher after the raining and every day along the river is salmon spotted jumping in the river. There is also a lot of grayling feeding on caddis and mayflies, especially in the evenings. I was out fishing yesterday and caught two grayling on a small black tube.

/ Erik Axner

New start at the season!

We have started to work and fix everything for the season coming up. We have a new part of Lainioälven that is about 11 km long and that means a lot of work.

- Building fireplaces
- Renovating windshelters and cabins
- Making signs for every fishingzon
- Transporting firewood
- Preparing the roads that are in pretty bad condition

We have already started with the signs and the look like this. We will put them up along the river during the week.

That is just a part of what we are going to do and we must also fish the stretch to see how the fishing is.
Now at the camp we have a trainee from ForshagaAkademin in Värmland called Erik Axner. He studies sportfishingtourism and a part of his education is a traineeperiod. He will be here all summer, actually to september and will work and fish along the river all day long. He will also be updating this blog regulary with news about the stretch and the fishing.

He was out fishing yesterday at zon 2, Onka and had a strike but no fish was hooked. There was also some fish active in the streams so they are here!

// Rivers of Lapland

A new season is here, the fly-tying season...

Top picture is a fireass tied on a plastic tube with a "Mörrums pluppis".
A real killer in the dusk! Lower picture is a couple of "Den vanliga" tied
on a Loop brass bottle tube and a 1½ inch. Copper tube, that's pure evil!

By Lars munk

A few picture by Christian Lundberg who came to visit in August.

One of three grils...

Flyfisher casting in Onkka.

A guide in his right element...

4 a clock in the morning, salmon light!

Waiting for the right light.

All the pictures are provided by Christian Lundberg. Thanks and rock on!

By Lars Munk

Save our (last) wild waters!

Please help us now! One of the Swedish parties (C) want to build waterpower plants in our National rivers(Torne, Lainio, Kalix, Kaitum, Änges, Mounio, råneriver and more). If this motion is aproved nothing stops them from building waterpower plants in all these rivers and their tributies! Click on the link, to sign the protest list. Surport free flowing rivers.
Lars Munk & Rivers of Lapland

By Lars Munk

During the season....

I have caught salmon on these combos...
Loop Multi 15 feet class 10/11 and Loop Classic 79 / Loop Opti megaloop with Loop Adapted line.
LTS X1 14,6 feet class 10/11 and Loop Evotec G4 HD 9/13 with LTS's new Adapted line.
Loop Yellowline 13,2 feet class 10 and Loop Classic 79 / Loop CLW 8/12 with Loop Adapted line.
Loop Gass 12 feet class 6/7 and Loop Evotec G4 with Loop Custom float/S1.
Loop Opti Switch Style 10,7 feet class 6 and Loop Multi 6/9 with Loop Custom floating line.

The biggest surprise was the Opti Switch Style, easy to cast and great fighting skills in the blank!
I can recommend any of these combos, they'll do the job!

By Lars Munk

Pictures from a few days test fishing...

105 cm.

Big salmon going deep!

Hans Jörgen and Arne are enjoying the fight.

About 85 cm.

Arne with his first Lainio salmon

Fresh run grils

Karsten (my dad) with his first Lainio salmon.

Casting in Lainio

108 cm. And 28 lbs.

Release of the beast

Another "wee cock fish"


Another big fish is hooked.

86 cm.

All the salmon were carefully released after a quick photo, the water was 7-8 degrees celcius.
By Lars Munk

A wee little cockfish

Still a few fish around, mainly colured fish. But I've see the odd fresh run as well.
Went fishing yesterday with Daniel. I caught a wee little cockfish, about 4 lbs.
Still hav'nt hooked any of the +30 lbs. cockfisk, this year but I still have time...

By Lars Munk

Per biggest ever on a singlehand flyrod

Caught on a 9 fot class 8 i lainio river.
Per biggest to date on a singlehand flyrod.

Here is Kalle Kamel with his first ever salmon. 82 cm from Onkka in the Lainio river

By Lars Munk

The Beast!!!

The fish of my life!

By Lars Munk

Krickas larre...

Även Kricka har fått fisk. Här med en fin laxhona på 6,5 kg.

By Lars Munk

Laxfisket är på gång

Senaste dagarna har Kalle Kamel, Sputte Tvärsne och jag fiskat i Onkka och på Kangos FVO's vatten, det har resulterat i tre lax. En till Kalle(hans första lax) på 82 cm. C&R.
Och två till mig, en på 4,75 kg. och en på 4,5-5 kg.
Där syns mycket fisk i älven och det går bevisligen att få dom att ta flugan.

By Lars Munk

Första Lainiolaxen till Wildwater

Johan Abelsson från Wildwater har nyss varit här och fiska lax för första gången. Han fick hans första Lainiolax, en fin honfisk kring 5 kg.

By Lars Munk


17 dagar har förflutit sedan jag fick årets första lax. Nu börjar det kännas som årets enda. Man äter, fiskar, jobbar och sover nån timme här och där. All ens energi riktas mot älven och laxen. När man sen till sist säger att
-"Nu skiter jag i det här, jag far hem och sover." jo då ringer en liten dansk, glad i hågen och berättar att de tagit fisk, alla har tagit fisk. -"Gött". Klart man blir glad, men det sitter en lite djävul på axeln och säger att det där var ju våran fisk. Men hur ska de veta. Man får väl bjuda lite.



Det är inte ofta torneälven släpper ifrån sig lax innan midsommarveckan. men ibland händer det, och då är det skönt att vara rätt man på rätt plats vid rätt tid. 2:a juni landandes första laxen för säsongen vid kengisforsen utanför Pajala. 1,5 kilo och 58 cm. kanske inte är den storlax som man drömmer ljuva drömmar om, men känslan att vara först i en umgängeskrets att landa lax är värd en del den med. Laxen tog på en variant av den vanliga i storlek 4 fiskad med flytlina och flyt tafs. Man tror i sitt stilla sinne att en landad lax skall ge en frid för en hel sommar men ca 10 minuter efter att man landat den börjar suget komma tillbaka. jag säger bara, Heroin, släng dig i väggen.




Ibland har man ett rejält sug i magen, man vet inte om man är hungrig eller skitnödig. Men under våren beror det nog mest på att älvarna håller på att öppnas.

Under islossningen kanske älvarna här uppe inte bjuder på sitt allra bästa fiske, det vet jag. Men har man suttit innomhus hela vintern med manodepresiva symptom så bryr man sig inte. Bara att få göra lite vintertorra kast med vindknutar, fastna i isblock och förfrysa tårna i andasvadarna är nog, fisken kommer sekundärt. Strålande sol berikade stränderna under denna dag och desperata försök efter harr var uppgiften. Kasten var kanske inte något man skulle stajla med inför en grupp , men känslan var destå större. Hoppandes från isflak till isflak tog jag mig fram längs torneälvens strand med nympfen hängandes ut mot älven. Ett påslag fick jag dock innan jag var tvungen att fly undan en plötslig men ack så kraftig islossning. I alla fall när man i panik rullar in linan och springer in mot land för att undkomma. Standen fylldes med is och att lägga ut linan på nytt kändes om möjligt ännu hopplösare än tidigare med all ismassa som drev förbi. Oskadd och nedkyld får man väl kalla det en lyckad harrpremiär i torneälven.



Det finns en del dagar man minns, magiska sommarnätter när gäddor stora som späckhuggare slänger sig frenetiskt efter ens wobbler. Sen finns det blöta gäddlösa dagar fyllda med frustration. Konstigt nog kan man uppleva båda i samma sjö.

Sedan tidigare var vi bekanta med sjön Ahvejjärvis storvuxna bestånd av gädda som vi stiftat bekantskap med under tidigare somrar. Perfekt för angelfiske, trodde vi. Under de sista dagarna i april begav vi oss ut på sjön som ligger belägen utanför byn Kangos i Tornedalen. De tre dagarna var som så ofta en samling för vänner och umgänge i vårens tecken, en välbehövd flykt och påminnelse om vinterns dödlighet. Bakom skotern lämnades spår som mer påminde om Götakanal än skoterspår. På sjön låg det 20 cm vatten som försvårade framfarten med skoter.Strategin var att snabbt tackla angeldonen och etablera basläger därefter. Den lånade motor isborren var en gudagåva, i fem minuter, innan den havererade. Målmedvetet for vi tillbaka och hämtade de mer traditionella redskapen för ändamålet. Hjälpta av tre muskeldrivna borrar med varierande skärpa lyckades vi göra 30 st hål, 22 angeldon och 8 is-metspön. Dag ett blev resultatlös men under dag två och tre lyckades vi kroka och landa ett tiotal gäddor.


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