Bad roads!

After a few days of heavy raining has it finally stopped. Some roads along the river are now in very bad condition so be careful when you are driving and park your car where there is space. The road to Onka on the east side will be prepared as soon as possible. Now the parkinglot is about 300 m on the road, not 800 m like the sign says.

I have also transported some firewood to Onka and Repolantoo so now there is a lot of it there! I have also cleaned the area from garbage and it was not a funny look. Please leave the place as it was when you got there och take your garbage with you when you leave. It looks so terrible when there is garbage and junk all over the place!

The waterlevel is starting to get higher after the raining and every day along the river is salmon spotted jumping in the river. There is also a lot of grayling feeding on caddis and mayflies, especially in the evenings. I was out fishing yesterday and caught two grayling on a small black tube.

/ Erik Axner


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